Plasa 2013 – a review
October 11, 2013 10:12 am Leave your thoughts2013 will probably be remembered for the launch of an audio digital era, but with so much AV expertise from the analogue dynasty; Plasa wasn’t going to let it go easily. The trouble was that analogue is a very developed art form, and like learning to play a new musical instrument it’s not a skill that is to be forgotten. Instead the masters of music will probably bring the two formats together; it will also leave us with two other types of people one set who won’t want to invest in new equipment, and those that don’t want to buy an additional system to the new one they’ve just brought. In truth the industry will probably be more divided by it’s finances as oppose to musical enjoyment.
Then there is the other issue that nobody really knows how and what digital will sounds like in the future, but we already know what developed analogue sounds like.
So just to make sure we’ve got some argument for digital;
1/ It’s let’s the artist have more control over the output
2/ Recording is closer to it’s original
3/ Put’s the artist in control of their own music
4/ More control makes it easier to introduce other musical formats
My prediction is that digital sound will become something spectacular, but not yet. Digital is at present being only exploited by the few, and it hasn’t become the melting pot that music needs to flourish, and instead is seen as a platform for manufactured music. However given time and, input people will start to truly understand the benefits of ‘accurate as the artist intended sound’.
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This post was written by colin